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Mario the Maker Magician

Mario the Maker Magician visits IBM Ring 313 via ZOOM on November 30, 2021

Doors zoom open at 6:30 pm. Our Regular meeting will be called to (dis)order about 7:00 pm. The first order of regular business will be the election of officers and directors for the calendar year 2022. Please see the slate of officers who volunteered to serve the club in 2022. We also want to thank the outgoing officers who served the club during the current year. Holding regular meeting on zoom instead of in person is a challenge. We hope that in the next year we can transition into meeting in person, perhaps back at the Irvine Ranch Water District if they reopen their meeting space to the public.

We are grateful that Mario the Maker Magician will be lecturing for the members and guests of Ring 313. He is a one of a kind magician who has a tremendous love and energy to create and perform magic. It is a mistake to think of him as a children's performer, Mario the Maker Magician is much more than that. He shows us what you can do when you blow out all the stops and create your own personal world of magic.

Get ready to have your socks blown off . . . he will make you a fan and a true believer.

October 26

Kevin Brown’s Evening of Bizarre and

December 14

Ring 313 Got Talent!